Sustainable fashion

One of the most environmental aspects of conventional cotton farming is the excessive water extracted from the ground to irrigate the crops. In contrast organic cotton uses 90% less water. For clarification: Producing a garment made out of conventional cotton costs 3000 Liters of water. By choosing organically grown cotton you contribute to conserving this precious resource and preserving the balance of our scarce natural water sources

Furthermore, the production of conventional cotton relies heavily on the use of chemicals and pesticides, leading to pollution of the soil and surrounding water sources. The nurturing of organic cotton on the other hand restricts the use of dangerours chemicals and pesticides, so no polluting substances are dumped into nearby waters or lakes. By choosing garments made by Frederic Weave you contribute to reducing water pollution and promoting a healthier environment for all.

When it comes to durability and quality organic cotton outshines conventional cotton. The clothes are not only softer but also last longer due to better fibres nurtured through a natural growing process. Creating a timeless longlasting wardrobe that is sustainable and battles the fast-fashion industry.

Organic certifaction

GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) certification is a globally recognized standard for the production and labeling of organic textiles. It provides assurance to consumers that the entire supply chain, from the harvesting of raw materials to the manufacturing and labeling of the final product, meets strict criteria.

GOTS sets the highest standards for organic textiles and covers both environmental and social aspects of production:

  1. Organic Fiber Criteria: products require that a minimum of 95% of the fibers must be certified organic. This ensures that the raw materials used are grown without the use of toxic pesticides or genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
  2. Environmental Criteria: It prohibits the use of hazardous chemicals commonly found in textile production. Products must comply with strict limits on wastewater treatment, energy and water usage, and waste management. This helps minimize the ecological footprint of the textile industry.
  3. Social Criteria: It ensures fair and safe working conditions throughout the supply chain. It requires compliance with International Labor Organization (ILO) standards, including the prohibition of forced labor, child labor and discrimination. Workers must receive fair wages, have the right to freedom of association, and work in safe and hygienic environments.
  4. Traceability and Labeling: Certification requires full traceability of the entire supply chain. This means that every stage of production, processing, and distribution must be documented. This gives customers the transparency to check the process if needed.

At Frederic Weave we can proudly say that all our cotton is GOTS certified. Embrance organic cotton in your wardrobe. Not only is it more durable and sustainable, but with Frederic Weave you can make a long lasting impression and make the world a better place one piece at a time.

GOTS (global organic textile standard)

GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) certification is a globally recognized standard for the production and labeling of organic textiles. It provides assurance to consumers that the entire supply chain, from the harvesting of raw materials to the manufacturing and labeling of the final product, meets strict criteria.